Thursday, May 10, 2012


Everybody has one person that they love spending their time with on a constant basis. Whenever one or the other is free, you try to get away for lunch or a late night breakfast or something like that. You do it just because you really want to spend time with that person. It can be a feeling of infatuation or mutual appreciation of the others company. It may even be a genuine “like” factor there. But… you ever find yourself caught up in that person? Like something is pulling you faster than you can stop it? It’s called Gravity.

Gravity is defined as “a natural phenomenon by which physical bodies attract with a force proportional to their masses.” That is deep enough in itself.smh But when that happens, that’s when it gets hard. Say the feelings aren’t necessarily mutual, like you may feel a bit more strongly for them than they do for you. Now, that’s not to say they don’t appreciate the time with you, I’m merely saying they aren’t as far along in the infatuation as you are. You are now stuck thinking of that person constantly. You long to be near them. To see that smile; hold that hand. You’re caught in their Gravitational pull.

Simply saying, don’t let gravity catch you and pull you into to someone who isn’t willing to be pulled into yours. Gravity is tough. Hard to escape. It keeps you grounded and centered in that object. Sometimes this isn’t always bad. Sometimes you want to be there because that person can be warm, loving and giving. That’s a good space to be caught in. You can grow there. and I’m sure they feel the same about yours. But some are cold and dank. There’s no room to grow. No room for the warmth of a smile to fly through and it keeps you down. Your days are spent thinking about a person who isn’t thinking about you. That’s bad space. Not your fault though. You sometimes don’t know you are there until it’s too late. You are already stuck.

I’ve taken residence in several gravitation climates. The good ones go, and the bad ones are hard to escape. Hard because you want more from them. More than they are willing to give. Of course that makes you want to venture farther into that person, thus, sucking you deeper into that bad gravity. Trust me. When you fail, don’t feel bad. That is a gravity that has taken far better than you. Stay away because when you are stuck, you are stuck. Run away while you still can before your body gets too heavy to escape.
Trust me… you’d rather walk on your own weightless moon than be grounded inside a cold, dry gravity.


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