Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happiness or Euphoria?

Here’s a question I want all you to answer for me.

Is it an illusion, or a real emotion? Romantic types like to believe so but Realist have a different look at it. To some happiness is not an emotion. It is just a feeling of euphoria. A simple act of your brain chemistry going in overdrive. That is why so many relationships fail when the honeymoon is over and the reality kicks in. You believe you have happiness when it truly doesn’t exist and it’s nothing more that a high that you receive, or just an advanced feeling of satisfaction.
But there are those of us who choose to believe that happiness is real and you can find it anywhere, at anytime, in any place. There are those who believe that happiness is more than a feeling or an emotion. Instead to these individuals it is an escape from reality for a short time. A brief evasion of the hatred and frivolous bullshit embedded in our society today. For example, when you get news that you are a winner for something you’ve been wanting, finding a hundred dollars, or best of all, hearing I love you from the one you’ve been dying to hear it from. At that moment, just that one moment, you aren’t thinking about why you failed this test or how am i going to pay this bill.
I myself am a victim of being the second type, a hopeless Romantic until the end. Also life has made me see the realism in ALL situation of the heart. Every time you get a toe stepped on, hear a no, or get turned away, you gain wisdom. Just like everything else in life. But I like to think we all have this side in us, and at times a little bit of realist, some more than others. We live in a cynical world full of persecution and sadness. Why not believe that there is a feeling you can get, that just for a moment, or a day, or a year, you don’t have to be hardened by life's inequities. Instead you feel overjoyed.
So tell me... Is there happiness or just euphoria, are you a Romantic or a Realist. I know what I think and which one I am… What about you?

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