What is it about the New Year that gives people hope that “THIS year is going to be my year”? I mean don’t get it wrong. I wish everybody a happy New Year and want all my people to do and be better in the new days coming. But let’s just be honest. How can you claim change when you bring in the New Year doing the same shit you were doing the year before last with the same person/people you said you were trying to lose in 2013? It’s asinine. Old habits and people who are bad in your life are like having dead skin. It’s just there but you don’t want to peel it off. Like a scab, an eyes sore that everybody sees. Your friends tell you to pick that but you don’t because it’s going to leave marks. The mark is already here, love. Maybe it is time that you make a resolution to stop lying to yourself. Let’s start there.
I'm not big on making resolutions, but i made a few promises to myself. I noticed that there a few things that I really need to do differently in order to prevent the dealings of last year to repeat themselves. I'm not going to go into a lot of them but a couple of the main ones I will. “Weed out the people in your life who aren’t good for you by choice or by force.” And “Make fewer mistakes by making smarter
decisions.” Detaching yourself from some things/someone you love maybe the hardest thing to do. Take that habit. The lying or drinking that you do too much of that your friends are scared for you about? Yeah, that. Or that girl. The one who treats you second fiddle. The one who you never know what side of her you are going to get? Yeah, her. Or that guy who you know is no good for you and only wants you around for few reasons but you love his ass none the less? Yeah, him. They gotta go. I know its tough, but don't be too scared to break the chains it may have on you. I'm here to tell you, that invisible chain? You hold the bolt cutters. You just won’t use them. Same as I. We just gotta stop lying to ourselves. That’s the worst thing we do. Sadly we all lie to ourselves about something.
Decisions. I know I gotta make better ones. 2012 was a clear example of that. I learned a lot, but I had to learn by trial and error. Not this time. Legal issues. No more of those. By far the most taxing thing I’ve ever dealt with. My life is too short and mean too much to me to spend another year not in control of it. But I will say it was an experience and a wakeup call that I needed. Newton’s 3 rd Law of Motion says “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” I translate this into saying be careful how you act because whatever you do can come back to you the same or worse than before. All the more reason to think before you act. I wish success and happiness for everybody. The same for all my people. Let’s do better and not keep
doing the same things from last year expecting different results this year. That’s with people, loved ones, and your preferences. Go ahead and peel off that dead skin.
Let go, let God.
Live more, talk Less.
Do better, to be better.